Labels: 76
Fanzines: 11
Webzines: 30
Stuff: 651
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. 100 Demons . 108 . 4 In Tha Chamber . 7 Angels 7 Plagues . 7 Seconds . A Life Once Lost . Abnegation . Above This Fire . Adamantium . Aftermath Of A Trainwreck . Against The Grain . Age Of Ruin . Agnostic Front . All Bets Off . All Out War . All That Remains . Allegiance . Alterkation . Another Breath . Apathemy . Aria . Arson . As Friends Rust . As Friends Rust . At Hopes End . Awkward Thought . Bad Brains . Bane . Battery . Beneath The Remains . Beneath The Sky . Beowulf . Betrayed . Better Than A Thousand . Between The Buried And Me . Beyond The Sixth Seal . Birthright . Bishop . Bitter End . Black My Heart . Blacklisted . Blood For Blood . Bloodjinn . Bloodlined Calligraphy . Bloodties . Bloody Sunday . Bold . Botch . Breakdown . Breather Resist . Bringing Back The Glory . Built To Last . Built Upon Frustration . Buried Alive . Burn . Burn It Down . Burnside . Burnside . Bury Your Dead . By Virtue Alone . Carry On . Casey Jones . Casey Jones . Cast Aside . Caught In A Trap . Cause For Alarm . Chain Of Strength . Cheech . Cherem . Cipher . Coalition Against Shane . Comin Correct . Confusion . Contempt . Contenders For The Crown . Countime . Crosscurrent . Culture . Damnation Ad . Dark Day Dawing . Darkest Hour . Day Of Suffering . Dead And Buried . Dead To Fall . Death Before Dishonor . Death Threat . Decontaminate . Die My Will . Diseptikons . Dodgin Bullet . Down To Nothing . Downshift . Drain This Blood . Earth Crisis . Edge Of Mortality . Edgewise . Embrace The End . Embrace Today . Emmure . Empire Falls . End Of Humanity . End Of One . End This Day . End To End . End Your Life . Enrage . Everybody Gets Hurt . Extinction . Facedown Nj . Faction Zero . Fall From Grace . Fall Of Serenity . Fall Silent . Fast Times . Fat Nuts . Fight Everyone . Fight Like Hell . First Blood . Fit Of Anger . Five Minute Major . Folsom . For The Living . For The Love Of . Force Of Change . Forever Is Forgotten . Fragment . Freya . Full Blown Chaos . Fury Of Five . Godbelow . Gone Without Trace . Good Clean Fun . Gorilla Biscuits . Grimlock . Hamartia . Hand To Hand . Hard Response . Harvest . Have Heart . Hellnation . Holdstrong . Hoods . Hotcross . In Cold Blood . In Due Time . In My Eyes . Inner Dam . Invocation Of Nehek . Judge . Kill Your Idols . Killing The Dream . Killing Time . Krutch . Landmine Marathon . Let It Die . Life Or Death . Light This City . Looking Forward . Losin It . Madball . Merauder . Minor Threat . Misura . Modern Life Is War . Morning Again . Most Precious Blood . My Own Victim . My Son My Executioner . Neglect . Nehemiah . Nj Bloodline . No Innocent Victim . No Retreat . No Retreat . Nodes Of Ranvier . North Side Kings . On A Warpath . On Our Own . On The Rise . One Dead Three Wounded . One King Down . One Last Sin . One Second Thought . Out To Sea . Out To Win . Palehorse . Path Less Taken . Path Of Resistance . Pitboss 2000 . Pocket Change . Point Of Recognition . Poison The Well . Polyglot . Pound For Pound . Powerhouse . Premonitions Of War . Pride Kills . Proclamation . Protestant . Provider . Psycho Enhancer . Pulling Teeth . Punch Your Face . Punishment . Racetraitor . Rag Men . Raid . Redline . Reflux . Rejuvenate . Remembering Never . Repercussion . Ruiner . Sabertooth Zombie . Set It Straight . Set It Straight . Set Your Goals . Seventh Star . Shelter . Shockwave . Side By Side . Sidewalk . Sinai Beach . Since The Flood . Skare Tactic . Skarhead . Skycamefalling . Slapshot . Snapcase . Spit Ya Teeth . Spitvalves . Stars And Stripes . Step Aside . Stigmata . Strife . Subterfuge . Sworn Vengeance . Taken . Ten Yard Fight . The Assistant . The Blinding Light . The Blue Bloods . The Hope Conspiracy . The Power And The Glory . The Promise . The Red Baron . The Year Of Our Lord . These Are The Days . These Are The Days . Threadbare . Through The Discipline . Throwdown . Thursday . Together We Fall . Torn Apart . Torn Asunder . Turmoil . Twelve Tribe . Tyrant . Undying . Until The End . Upheaval . Verse . Vision . Vision Of Disorder . Voice Of Reason . Walls Of Jericho . Warzone . Weight Of The Crown . Will To Live . Wisdom In Chains . With One Intent . Youth Of Today . Zao
. 100 Demons ''S/t'' . 100 Demons ''In the eyes of the lord'' . 108 ''Curse of instinct'' . 25 Ta Life ''Friendship loyalty commitment'' . 25 Ta Life ''S/t'' . 4 In Tha Chamber ''Existence'' . 4 In Tha Chamber ''Memories die'' . 4 In Tha Chamber ''Not for the weak of heart'' . 7 Angels 7 Plagues ''Until the day breathes and the shadows flee'' . 7 Seconds ''Take it back, take it on, take it over'' . A 18 ''Foreverafternothing'' . A Better Tomorrow ''S/t'' . A Day Refrain ''The Fiberglass Sessions'' . A Life Once Lost ''A great artist'' . A Shroud Cast Over ''S/t'' . Abnegation ''Verses of the bleeding'' . Above This Fire ''In perspective'' . Acedia ''S/t'' . Acedia ''Everyone you lovve will eventually die'' . Adamantium ''From the depths of depression'' . Adamantium ''Traditions'' . After All ''S/t'' . After The Fall ''S/t'' . Aftermath Of A Trainwreck ''Horseshoes and handgrenades'' . Aftershock ''Letters'' . Aftershock ''Through the looking glass'' . Against The Grain ''War stories'' . Against The Grain ''Mentiroso'' . Age Of Ruin ''The opium dead'' . Age Of Ruin ''The tides of tragedy'' . Agnostic Front ''Dead yuppies'' . Agoraphobic Nosebleed ''The poacher diaries'' . Alcatraz ''S/t'' . All Bets Off ''Two new songs'' . All Is Lost ''No hope'' . All Is Suffering ''S/t'' . All Out War ''Truth in the age of lies'' . All Out War ''Condemned to suffer'' . All Out War ''Assassins in the house of god'' . All Out War ''For those who were crucified'' . All Out War ''Hymns of the apocalypse'' . All Out War ''Destined to burn'' . All Out War ''Truth in the age of lies'' . All That Remains ''Behind silence and solitude'' . Allegiance ''Desperation'' . Alterkation ''Heaven hath no fury'' . Anah Aevia ''Realise you re dead'' . Another Nothing ''New breed'' . Apathemy ''Encased in black this is forever'' . Apathy ''What the dead see thru'' . Aria ''As if forever really exists'' . Arkham ''The wrath'' . Arma Angelus ''Where sleeplessness is'' . Arma Angelus ''The grave end of the shovel'' . Arson ''Written in blood'' . Arson ''Less perfect than death'' . Arson ''Lacerate the sky'' . As I Bleed ''Fire in summer'' . As I Bleed ''S/t'' . Ascension ''The years of fire'' . Ascension ''Abomination'' . At Hopes End ''Demo'' . At The Drive-in ''Relationship of command'' . Awkward Thought ''S/t'' . Awkward Thought ''Split release'' . Awkward Thought ''Ruin a good time'' . Axp ''The devil we dont know'' . Backhand ''2003 demo'' . Backhand ''Love all'' . Backslap ''Find yourself'' . Bane ''It all comes down to this'' . Battery ''Only the diehard remain'' . Battery ''Let the past go'' . Beneath The Remains ''Quest of the lost souls'' . Beneath The Remains '''' . Beneath The Remains/facedown Nj ''Split 4'' . Berzerkers ''Cut throat words'' . Bestiary ''The loscust, the fire and the plumbline'' . Betrayed ''Addiction'' . Betrayed ''Substance'' . Between The Buried And Me '''' . Between The Buried And Me ''The silent circus'' . Beyond Reason ''The demands of commerce'' . Billy Club Sandwich ''...hold the bologna'' . Birthright ''Out of darkness'' . Black My Heart ''Before the devil'' . Blood For Blood ''Livin in exile'' . Blood For Blood ''Serenity'' . Bloodjinn ''Leave this world breathing'' . Bloodlined Calligraphy ''Say hi to the bad guy'' . Bloodlined Calligraphy ''Ypsilanti'' . Bloodlined Calligraphy ''They want you silent'' . Bloodties ''Into the dark decade'' . Bloodties ''S/t'' . Bloody Sunday ''They attack at dawn'' . Botch ''We are the romans'' . Botch ''An anthology of dead ends'' . Boxcutter ''Thug rock'' . Boy Sets Fire ''S/t'' . Boy Sets Fire ''Live for today'' . Break Of Dawn ''S/t'' . Breakdown ''Plus minus'' . Brethren ''To live again'' . Brethren ''No regrets'' . Bring It On ''Payback'' . Brother S Keeper ''Ladder'' . Brother S Keeper ''Forever never ending'' . Built To Last ''...and knowing is half the battle'' . Bulldoze ''The final beatdown'' . Buried Alive ''The death of your perfect world'' . Burn ''Cleanse'' . Burnside ''Vision of serenity'' . Bury Your Dead ''Cover your tracks'' . Bury Your Dead ''You had me at hello'' . Butt Plug ''S/t'' . Carry On ''A life less plagued'' . Carved In Stone ''Demo'' . Cast Aside ''The struggle'' . Cast Aside ''Overcome'' . Cast In Fire ''S/t'' . Castahead ''S/t'' . Catharsis ''Arsonist s prayer'' . Cave In ''Until your heart stops'' . Cave In ''Creative eclipse'' . Cave In ''Jupiter'' . Cdc ''Demo 2003'' . Cease To Exist ''Demo 2003'' . Ceasefire ''The cycle of unbelief'' . Center Of Zero ''S/t'' . Chain Of Strength ''The one thing that still holds true'' . Chalice ''Deathmask grin'' . Cheech ''A day late and a dollar short'' . Cheech ''Keep your pimp hand strong'' . Choleric ''Weed out the week , when the sun goes down'' . Christiansen ''Emphasizing function over design'' . Cipher ''Protoculture'' . Cipher ''Recognize'' . Cleanser ''S/t'' . Clear ''Tha sickness must end'' . Clenched Fist ''S/t'' . Closer Than Kin/none But Burning ''S/t'' . Coalition ''The ignition:from friction to fire'' . Coalition Against Shane ''Down with the king'' . Coalition Against Shane ''Keepin' the dogs away'' . Codeseven ''Division of labor'' . Cold As Life ''Declination of independance'' . Comin Correct ''One scene unity'' . Comin Correct ''Split release'' . Comin Correct ''In memory of'' . Comin Correct ''Alive and kicking'' . Comin Correct ''Hardcore pride'' . Concrete Warfare ''S/t'' . Confusion ''Taste of hate'' . Contempt ''One justice'' . Contenders For The Crown ''S/t'' . Converge ''The poacher diaries'' . Count The Cost ''Tried and true'' . Countime ''Broken blinded betrayed'' . Crosscurrent ''S/t'' . Culture ''Born of you'' . Culture ''Deforestation'' . Culture ''Split cd'' . Culture ''Heteronome'' . Damnation ''The hangman'' . Damnation Ad ''In this life or the next'' . Danny Diablo ''Dollerz Make Sense'' . Darkest Hour ''So sedated,so secure'' . Darkest Hour ''Hidden hands of a sadist nation'' . Darkest Hour ''Deliver us'' . Darkside Nyc ''Ambitions make way for dread'' . Dawn Of Orion ''On broken wings'' . Dawn Of Orion ''For the lust of prophecies undone'' . Day Of Suffering ''The eternal jihad'' . Dead 50s ''Standing on the edge of forever'' . Dead And Buried ''The company i keep'' . Dead To Fall ''Everything i touch falls into pieces'' . Dead To Fall ''Villainy and virtue'' . Death Before Dishonor ''Wartime'' . Death Before Dishonor ''Friends family forever'' . Death Before Dishonor ''Count me in'' . Death By Stereo ''Day of the death'' . Death By Virtue ''S/t'' . Death Threat ''For god & governement'' . Death Threat ''Peace and security'' . Deathstar ''The triumph'' . December ''Praying, hoping, nothing'' . Decline ''Damaged'' . Decontaminate ''S/t'' . Denied Reality ''S/t'' . Denied Reality ''Leviathan'' . Dent ''S/t'' . Despair ''Kill'' . Die My Will ''...and still we destroy'' . Die My Will ''S/t'' . Die My Will ''Split cd'' . Die Young ''The message'' . Disciple ''No blood, no altar now'' . Disciple ''Scarab'' . Disciple Ad ''Doxology'' . Disciplinary Action ''S/t'' . Diseptikons ''Solutions supported by the angry'' . District 9 ''Schoolahardknox'' . Dmize ''Backlash'' . Dodgin Bullets ''Soundtrack to the end'' . Dodgin Bullets ''World wide war'' . Down To Nothing ''The most'' . Down To This ''Life blood'' . Downlow ''Slipping from reality'' . Downpour ''Footsteps over our heads'' . Downset ''Check your people'' . Dragbody ''Flip the kill switch'' . E Town Concrete ''Time 2 shine'' . E Town Concrete ''Fuck the world'' . E Town Concrete ''The renaissance'' . Earth Crisis ''Nemesis'' . Earth Crisis ''All out war'' . Earth Crisis ''Firestorm'' . Earth Crisis ''The oath that keeps me free'' . Earth Crisis ''Destroy the machines'' . Earthmover ''Death carved in every word'' . Ecorche ''S/t'' . Edge Of Mortality ''S/t'' . Edgewise ''S/t'' . Eighteen Visions ''Lifeless'' . Eighteen Visions ''Until the ink runs out'' . Emmure ''Goodbye to the gallows'' . Empire Falls ''The lines have been drawn'' . End Of One ''The aftermath'' . End On End ''Why evolve when we can go sideways?'' . End This Day ''Sleeping beneath the ashes of creation'' . End To End ''Dedicated to the emotion'' . Endeavor ''Of equality'' . Endeavor ''Crazier than a shithouse rat'' . Endeavor ''Constructive semantics'' . Endpoint ''If the spirits are willing'' . Enrage ''The definitive'' . Enrage ''Sins of release'' . Ensign ''Direction of things to come'' . Eso Charis ''S/t'' . Eventide ''One word title'' . Evergreen Terrace ''Losing all hope is freedom'' . Evergreen Terrace ''Writer s block'' . Evergreen Terrace ''S/t'' . Excessive Force ''In your blood'' . Extinction ''Hypocrisy breeds traitors'' . Eye To Eye ''Split'' . Faction Zero ''War stories'' . Faction Zero ''S/t'' . Fall From Grace ''S/t'' . Fall Silent ''Superstructure'' . Falling Cycle ''The conflict'' . Fast Times ''Where were you'' . Fast Times ''Counting down'' . Fat Nuts ''Settin it straight'' . Fatality ''NY state of mind'' . Few Left Standing ''Regeneration of self'' . Fight Everyone ''Up against the world'' . Final Fight ''Demo 2003'' . Final Fight ''Under attack'' . Final Stand ''The only certainly in life is death'' . Five Minute Major ''When it ends'' . Floorpunch ''Fast times at ...'' . For The Love Of ''In consequence'' . For The Love Of ''Feasting on the will of humanity'' . Force Of Change ''The bond we share'' . Forge ''Speed and timing'' . Foundation ''S/t'' . Fragment ''...answers...'' . Fragment ''Angels never came'' . Fragment ''Angels never came'' . Framework ''Never again'' . Freya ''As the last light drains'' . From Ashes Rise ''S/t'' . Frontside ''S/t'' . Full Blown Chaos ''S/t'' . Fury For Another ''S/t'' . Fury Of Five ''Telling it like it is !!!'' . Godbelow ''S/t'' . Godless Wicked Creeps ''Smile'' . Good Clean Fun ''Positively positive 1997-2002'' . Grieving Days To Come ''The unsaid everything'' . Grimlock ''Songs of self'' . Grimlock ''Crusade of reality'' . Grimlock ''Crusher'' . Grimlock ''Songs Of Immortality'' . Groundzero ''Split'' . Hamartia ''To play the part'' . Harvest ''Living with a god complex'' . Hatebreed ''Under the knife'' . Hatebreed ''Satisfaction is the death of desire'' . Have Heart ''The things we carry'' . Have Heart ''Songs to scream'' . Hellnation ''Dynamite up your ass'' . Hit List ''S/t'' . Holdstrong ''Pursuit in the face of misfortune'' . Holdstrong ''Nothing in return'' . Holdstrong ''Gaining ground'' . Hoods ''Pray for death'' . Hoods ''Time...the destroyer'' . Hoods ''The king is dead'' . Hoods ''Once again 1996'' . Hoods ''Aces'' . Hoods ''New blood'' . Hopesfall ''The frailty of words'' . Horizon ''Where the blind lead the blind'' . Hotcross ''Cryonics'' . Hyde ''A beautiful nightmare'' . Implicate ''S/t'' . In Cold Blood ''Hell on earth'' . In Due Time ''Back to basics'' . In My Eyes ''Live in philly'' . In My Eyes ''Nothing to hide'' . In Reach ''Seize the day'' . In Reach ''Miles to go'' . Indecision ''Release the cure'' . Indecision ''Discography'' . Indecision ''Most precious blood church'' . Indecision ''Youth crew 1995'' . Inhuman ''Black reign'' . Inhuman ''Rebellion'' . Inhuman ''Evolver'' . Inhuman ''S/t'' . Inner Dam ''When angels fall'' . Inner Dam ''Through Darkness, Broken Hearts and Open Veins'' . Inner Dam ''Through the eyes of suffering'' . Inside Out ''No spiritual surrender'' . Integrity ''Systems overload'' . Integrity ''Humanity is the devil'' . Integrity 2000 ''S/t'' . Intercede ''S/t'' . Internal Affairs ''Casualty of the core'' . Irate ''Demo'' . Irate ''Burden of a crumbling society'' . Judgement Day Nyc ''Mind over matter of fact'' . Killed By Memories ''Demo2002'' . Killed By Memories ''Forever doesn t last'' . King Of Clubz ''Time for grievance'' . King Of Clubz ''Time of grievance'' . Krutch ''Our thing-the mafia years'' . Krutch ''S/t'' . Ladyluck ''Life in between'' . Landmine Marathon ''Wounded'' . Landmine Marathon ''Rusted eyes awake'' . Lariat ''Manifesto'' . Last Year ''Pictures, letters and memories'' . Leeway ''Born to expire, desperate measures'' . Lickity Split ''S/t'' . Life Or Death ''Sentenced'' . Lifebleed ''A wardrobe full of bodies'' . Line Of Scrimmage ''Cinderblock solution'' . Living Sacrifice ''Conceived in fire'' . Locked In A Vacancy ''S/t'' . Locked In A Vacancy '''' . Locked In A Vacancy ''S/t'' . Logic ''2 inches to victory'' . Logic ''Straight up chaos'' . Lose None ''Warrior blood'' . Losin It ''Danger zone'' . Love Hope And Fear ''Rose'' . Love Is Red '''' . Loyal 2 None ''8 minutes of hate'' . Madball ''Droppin many suckers'' . Manhunt ''S/t'' . Manhunt ''Revenge volume one'' . Mastiff ''Strength In Despair'' . Merauder ''Master killer'' . Misura ''S/t'' . Misura ''Shame of the nation'' . Morning Again ''Hand of the martyr'' . Morning Again ''The cleanest war'' . Morning Again ''Martyr'' . Morning Again ''S/t'' . Motherbirth ''One fine day'' . Motive ''I vs. the Beckoning of Darkness'' . Mushmouth ''Lift the curse'' . My Own Victim ''The weapon'' . My Own Victim ''No voice no right no freedom'' . My Own Victim ''S/t'' . My Own Victim ''Burning inside'' . My Son My Executioner ''In between heaven and hell'' . Narcissus ''...and forthwith came out blood'' . Narcissus ''Newwave techno homicide'' . Neck ''S/t'' . Neck ''Should my fist eye'' . Neglect ''End it'' . Neglect ''S/t'' . Neglect ''En public'' . Nehemiah ''Lenore'' . Next Step Up ''Breaking point'' . Next Step Up ''Heavy, the return of'' . Nj Bloodline ''Be afraid'' . No Innocent Victim ''Flesh and blood'' . No Innocent Victim ''Tipping the scales'' . No Innocent Victim ''C.E.B.'' . No Innocent Victim ''S/t'' . No Redeeming Social Value ''Skinheads rule !!'' . No Retreat ''S/t'' . No Retreat ''Rise of the underdog'' . No Submission ''Long island hardcore split'' . None But Burning/closer Than Kin ''S/t'' . Norma Jean ''Bless the martyr and kiss the child'' . North Side Kings ''Allied forces'' . Not Waving But Drowning ''S/t'' . Not Without Resistance ''The blood the honor the truth'' . Nothing Left To Mourn ''Through thick and thin'' . On A Warpath ''S/t'' . On Our Own ''Now and forever'' . On The Rise ''Burning inside'' . One Fifth ''S/t'' . One For One ''Seven year cicada'' . One For One ''Version2,0'' . One For One ''I wont lose'' . One King Down ''God loves, man kills'' . One King Down ''Bloodlust revenge'' . One King Down ''S/t'' . One Last Sin ''Cd promo'' . One Last Sin ''The fall of darkness'' . One Life Crew ''Crime ridden society'' . One Second Thought ''Self inflicted'' . One Step Too Many ''Under the bar'' . Onslaught ''Bloodgeoned'' . Ookla The Mok ''Bless her little black heart'' . Oubliette ''Cries of the peaceful'' . Out To Win ''Beg for life'' . Out To Win ''Persist and destroy'' . Outrage ''Disharmony brings harmony'' . Outspoken ''Spotlight'' . Overcome ''Immortal until their work is done'' . Overcome ''Blessed are the persecuted'' . Overcome ''The life of death'' . Overcome ''When beauty dies'' . Overthrow ''S/t'' . Overthrow ''Long island hardcore split'' . Painmask ''Are you prepared to meet the truth'' . Path Less Taken ''S/t'' . Piece By Piece ''We ve lost it all'' . Piece By Piece NYC ''Live demo'' . Piecemeal ''Split cd'' . Pig Destroyer '''' . Pitboss 2k ''Everyone s a winner'' . Pocket Change ''Golden'' . Point Of Recognition ''Refresh,renew'' . Point Of Recognition ''S/t'' . Point Of Recognition ''Day of defeat'' . Point Of Recognition ''Days of defeat'' . Poison The Well ''The opposite of december...a season of separation'' . Polyglot ''S/t'' . Pound For Pound ''For our fallen brothers'' . Pound For Pound ''Common crooks'' . Powerhouse ''What lies ahead'' . Premonitions Of War ''Left in kowloon'' . Prevaricators ''Jihad'' . Proclamation ''Let the truth be told'' . Provider ''Wasteland'' . Pulling Teeth ''Demo 2005'' . Pulling Teeth ''Martyr immortal'' . Punch The Klown '''' . Punch Your Face ''S/t'' . Punch Your Face ''White nights and bar fights'' . Rag Men ''Rag men'' . Raid ''Hands off the animal'' . Rain On The Parade ''Body bag'' . Redline ''S/t'' . Redline ''Moments of truth'' . Redline ''A portrait of a mirror image'' . Redline ''This day'' . Rejuvenate ''To the extreme'' . Remembering Never ''God save us'' . Restrain ''S/t'' . Ruiner ''Prepare to be let down'' . Running Like Thieves ''The approval of the crowd'' . Santa Sangre ''Feast for the new gods'' . Saving Throw ''We're never on good terms'' . Set It Straight ''Live your heart and never follow'' . Severcore ''S/t'' . Shai Hulud ''Hearts once nourished w/hope'' . Shattered Realm ''Broken ties... spoken lies'' . Shattered Realm ''All will suffer'' . Shelter ''Here we go'' . Shelter ''Eternal'' . Shockwave ''Dominion'' . Shockwave ''Live in poland'' . Shockwave ''The ultimate doom'' . Shockwave ''Omega supreme'' . Shockwave ''Warpath'' . Show Of Hands ''S/t'' . Show Of Hands ''A new day not forgotten'' . Shutdown ''Few and far between'' . Shutdown ''Nothing to prove'' . Shutdown ''Youth crew 1995'' . Shutdown ''Turning the tide'' . Side By Side ''You re only young once'' . Sidewalk ''Time spent'' . Silverstein ''When broken is easily fixed'' . Since The Flood ''Valor and vengeance'' . Sinking Ships ''Disconnecting'' . Six Cents ''S/t'' . Skarhead ''Kings at crime'' . Skinless '''' . Skycamefalling ''To forever embrace the sun'' . Skycamefalling ''1021'' . Slapshot ''Digital warfare'' . Sludge ! ''S/t'' . Slumlords ''Demo 2003'' . Slumlords ''S/t'' . Smash Your Enemies ''The great midwest trendkill'' . Snapcase ''Energy dome'' . Snapcase ''End transmission'' . Somehow Hollow ''Busted wings and rusted halos'' . Soul Embraced ''Immune'' . Soul Embraced ''This is my blood'' . Soulstice ''Raze the earth'' . Southpaw ''Brighter future'' . Spit Ya Teeth ''Demo 2006'' . Spit Ya Teeth ''Shut your mouth'' . Spitalfield ''Remember right now'' . Stand And Fight ''Together we win'' . Stemm ''Further efforts'' . Step Aside ''Reaching out'' . Stigmata ''Do unto others'' . Stitch ''S/t'' . Straightfaced ''Pulling teeth'' . Strength For A Reason ''Show and prove'' . Strife ''Angermeans'' . Strife ''One thruth'' . Strife ''In this defiance'' . Strongarm ''The advent of a miracle'' . Subsist ''Lessons in brokness'' . Subterfuge ''Our own terms'' . Subterfuge ''Nobody gets out alive'' . Subzero ''Happiness without peace'' . Suffocate Faster ''Only time will tell'' . Sum Of All Fears ''1995 sin of anger demo'' . Swear To God ''2003 demo'' . Sworn Enemy ''As real as it gets'' . Sworn Vengeance ''Domination'' . Sworn Vengeance ''Abbadon'' . Sworn Vengeance ''Destroyer of worlds'' . Taken ''And they slept'' . Taste The Steel ''Demo 2006'' . Tears Of Frustration ''No retreat no defeat'' . Ten Yard Fight ''Hardcore pride'' . Ten Yard Fight ''Back on track'' . Tension ''...and at the hour of our death'' . Tension ''Agent of the people'' . Tension ''Struggle within'' . Terror ''Lowest of the low'' . Terror ''Rhythm amongst the chaos'' . The Alliance ''In love, in honor, in death'' . The August Prophecy ''Five endeavors in self murder'' . The Automata ''Through the bandage seeps a whisper'' . The Blinding Light ''The ascension attempt'' . The Blue Bloods ''S/t'' . The Dillinger Escape Plan ''Calculating infinity'' . The Kyds Vs Columbus ''S/t'' . The Red Baron ''S/t'' . The Warriors ''Beyond the noise'' . The Year Of Our Lord '''' . These Are The Days ''Demo 2005'' . Threadbare ''Feeling older faster'' . Throwdown ''Beyond repair'' . Thursday ''Full collapse'' . Tied Down ''S/t'' . Time Has Come ''S/t'' . To Each His Own ''Breaking the mdld'' . Together We Fall ''Drowned'' . Together We Fall ''Tws'' . Torn Apart ''The fifty ninth session'' . Torn Apart ''Ten songs for the bleeding hearts'' . Torn Asunder ''In painful remembrance'' . Trench War ''Unrivaled'' . Trial ''Are these our lives ?'' . Triphammer ''S/t'' . Turmoil ''Anchor'' . Turmoil ''The process of'' . Twelve Tribe ''The rebirth of tragedy'' . Twelve Tribes ''Instruments'' . Two By Four ''Split'' . Tyrant ''Demo 2004'' . Unconquered '''' . Unconquered ''You say moderation, i scream prohibition'' . Unconquered ''Wall of time'' . Underoath ''Cries of the past'' . Undying ''The whispered lies of angels'' . Unearth ''Endless'' . Unearth ''The sting of conscience'' . Unearth ''The oncoming storm'' . Unfound ''S/t'' . Unit 731 ''Res ipsa loquitur'' . Unit 731 ''Demo 2006'' . Unsilent Reign ''The fires of body & mind'' . Unstable Foundation ''Strength through determination'' . Unsung Zeros ''Moments from mouring'' . Until The End ''S/t'' . Until The End ''The blind leading the lost'' . Up Front ''Movement'' . Up Front ''S/t'' . Up Front ''Five by seven'' . Upheaval ''Testimony to the atrocities'' . V/a Abacus Recordings ''Abacus'' . V/a Back Ta Basics ''Down for the core 8'' . V/a Blackout ''An international hxc compilation'' . V/a Blasphemour ''One hell of a compilation'' . V/a Exit ''Mindset overhaul'' . V/a Facedown ''Now the tables have turned'' . V/a Nawpost ''Satisfaction guaranteed'' . V/a New Eden ''S/t'' . V/a Prosthetic ''Sampler'' . V/a Purity ''A new approach'' . V/a Side One Dummy ''Atticus dragging the lake'' . V/a Spook City ''Covered in blood'' . V/a Tooth And Nail ''Helpless amongst friends vol 2'' . V/a Tribunal Records ''Radio sampler #1-#2'' . V/a Under The Volcano ''Kaos 4-introducing bill'' . V/a Upfront ''Strength through diversity'' . V/a Victory ''Style 4'' . V/a Victory ''Built 4 speed-motorhead tribute'' . V/a Victory ''Style 2'' . V/a Victory ''Style 3'' . V/a Victory ''Only the strong'' . Vengeance Theory ''S/t'' . Verse ''Four songs'' . Verse ''Aggression'' . Vice Dolls ''Die trying'' . Vision ''Detonate'' . Vision Of Disorder ''S/t'' . Vision Of Disorder ''Resurrecting reality'' . Voice Of Reason ''S/t'' . Wake Up Cold ''Deliver me from evil'' . Waking Kills The Dream ''Depending on tomorrow'' . Walls Of Jericho ''The bound feed the gagged'' . Walls Of Jericho ''Aal hail the dead'' . War Of Ages ''Pride of the wicked'' . War To End Hate '''' . Wartime Manner ''Split'' . Waterdown ''The files you have on me'' . Weight Of The Crown ''Keep your head up'' . What Lies Within ''S/t'' . Where It Ends ''Resonate'' . Wide Awake ''25 song discography'' . William ''Tints and shades'' . Windfall ''Loud with the window open'' . Windfall ''S/t'' . Wisdom In Chains ''S/t'' . With One Intent ''Leaving it all behind'' . Wolverine ''Prey for us'' . World Indifference ''S/t'' . Worlds Collide ''All hope abandon'' . Zao ''A parade of chaos'' . Zao ''All else failed'' . Zao ''The splinter shards the birth of separation''
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