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1211 CLEAR "Tha sickness must end" (mcd) pix in the database

Salt Lake City straight edge hardcore featuring guyz of 18 visions, Bleeding Through


1. Acetone
2. Fuel
3. Falling into ashes
4. Lust
5. Fire walk with me

1154 PROCLAMATION "Let the truth be told" (cd) pix in the database

Boston straight-edge hardcore. This is their discography!

1016 EXCESSIVE FORCE "In your blood" (cd) pix in the database

Angry as fuck straight edge hardcore from Dan Gump, founder of Life Sentence Records.


1. Those who were
2. Distress
3. From within
4. Backtrack
5. Vengeance
6. Misfortune
7. Judment day
8. In your blood
9. No excuses

971 STATECRAFT "Until the darkness is gone" (mcd) pix in the database

1er effort des japonais legendaires , sorte de mix de metalcore ala Morning again et de death/black (core.?) , comme il feront surtout par la suite , ce disque dessine deja ce que sera Statecraft par la suite. Sign

941 THE AUTOMATA "Through the bandage seeps a whisper" (mcd)

This is a 6 song CDEP from The Automata, who sound like a definite blend of Poison the Well and the European metalcore flavor of Caliban and the metal riffing of Prayer for Cleansing. they blow me away with the deversity in their music, techi-metal-riffs, dancable breakdowns, singing sort of HC but still dry and brutal (sort of like mixing nychc and ZAO). i like this band so much.


1. Open up
2. Writing the past
3. Insincere
4. Perception breeds deception
5. The logic of man
6. Dye my eyes blind

937 ABOVE THIS FIRE "In perspective" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Above This Fire's sound is a breath of fresh air for a genre that is overrun by redundancy. Above This Fire integrates catchy, melodic, old-school hardcore, with Iron Maiden-esque metal riffs, and offers up punishing breakdowns for a resulting effect of super high-energy sound that is not found in today's music. Harsh clashing guitar chords contrast dual guitar harmonies. Off-time signatures, and intricate drum patterns, with quick, powerful double kick make the drums unique. The bass is played equally as heavy and as technically as the guitars, rounding out their signature with a wall-of-sound effect. The vocals consist of a wide range of screams that integrate with the instruments perfectly.

928 EIGHTEEN VISIONS "Lifeless" (cd) pix in the database

This is the debut CD from Orange County's 18 Visions, on Life Sentence Records.

Hailing from Hollywood and featuring members of Throwdown and Bleeding Through, 18 Visions plays a hybrid type of metal and hardcore. The best quote to describe them we found was "rock and roll kids, playing metal music, in a hardcore band."


1. Of pain
2. Mental repression
3. Patricide
4. Life s blood
5. Slipping through the hands of god
6. Sacreligious murder

869 AFTERSHOCK "Letters" (cd) pix in the database


1. Nothing
2. Divest your entity
3. My laceration
4. Apparitional state
5. Cultivation of a heart
6. Candle
7. Pulp
8. Letters
9. Angel
10. God complex

851 UNCONQUERED "You say moderation, i scream prohibition" (mcd) pix in the database


1. Things always come back
2. Memories
3. You say moderation
4. Our future

759 DEATHSTAR "The triumph" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Ca faisait d

726 GRIMLOCK "Crusher" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Ils sont de retour !!!!
Quel bonheur de voir se reformer un tel groupe !!!

417 TRIPHAMMER "S/t" (cd) pix in the database

Salt Lake City Hardcore at its best.

302 OOKLA THE MOK "Bless her little black heart" (mcd) pix in the database

2 vocals and lots of heavy metal riffs.
What s with NH bands that do flips ?

200 GRIMLOCK "Crusade of reality" (mcd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Their new stuff !!!! incredible, awesome,raw, my fav band !!!!
still available in unity distro !!


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