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1311 REDLINE "Moments of truth" (cd)

Redline are straight out of New Jersey in the USA and bringing with them a blend of heavy and metallic Hardcore that will tear your face off from the start to the finish.
Singers of NJ Bloodline and Sworn Enemy do a featuring !!!!


1. Distance kept
2. Instinct
3. Moments of thruth
4. Diseased
5. Deception
6. The ethics of michael corleone
7. My world
8. Fixture
9. Relentless
10. Society of one

1310 TO KILL "When blood turns into stone" (cd) mp3 in da base


1. Abyss
2. To Live and Die in Vain
3. Hollow
4. When Blood Turns Into Stone
5. Golem
6. Now or Never
7. Kingdom Come
8. Numbers Say I Should Be Gone by Now
9. Deep Blue
10. Any Given Day
11. Ruins
12. Untitled

1221 DEAD REPRISE "Day of defiance" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Classic but still acurate, this is the return of Dead Reprise with their new record "Day Of Defiance". More breakdowns than in "Death Of A Nation", more oriented beatdown if i can say so, some listeners could find it repetitive but this is how it works : they don't reinvent the wheel, but stick to some effective musical values. I was waiting more from Dead Reprise, and despite some nice mid-tempos the ensemble doesn't fit my expectations (no need to talk about the artwork, dull and cliche as fuck).

by xpierrex


1. My Fight
2. Taste Of Suffering
3. Damnation
4. Dead End
5. The Fall Of Perfection
6. Day Of Defiance
7. Alone In Despair
8. True Love
9. The Pain Goes On
10. Life Or Death
11. Nothing To Prove
12. Forever Enemy
13. Embrace The Poison
14. The Legacy Of Kings
15. The Struggle Continues

1178 KNUCKLEDUST "Promises comfort fools" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base


1. Staying the power
2. Slash and ignite
3. Frontline soldier
4. Turntable
5. Promises comfort fools
6. Dreaming
7. Untold story
8. Lost sight
9. Money talks, murderers walk
10. against all odds
11. Twisted state
12. Social disease

1067 ENEMY GROUND "In memory of them all" (cd) pix in the database

Coming soon


1. Cancel the wedding anniversary
2. Into the urn
3. Gone until further notice
4. When the legs hit the water
5. I like you best skinless
6. Filth
7. Patriot
8. The plow
9. Fallen empire
10. Wounding at random

1025 TO KILL "Vultures" (cd) mp3 in da base


1. the vulture
2. truth
3. of time and misery
4. breathing
5. dust
6. Jack burton is not going to have any revenge
7. lights out
8. time to say goodbye
9. fractures and fractions
10. fading
11. the burial of the dead
12. the big sleep

913 BRIDGE TO SOLACE "Where nightmares and dreams unite" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Hungary isn't where you would expect a band like Bridge To Solace to come from since. taking a pinch of the famous Gothenburg metal sound and some extra flavour from the sound that is known as the New Wave Of American Heavy Metal, Add to those two components a raw and very individual twist and you have something that is going to appeal to Metal fans all over the world. Where Nightmares And Dreams Unite is Bridge To Solace's debut album for GSR and it shows a band that has truly honed their sound and presents an album full of blistering anthems that take you by the heart and that will stay with you forever. Equal parts brutality and beautiful melody, Where Nightmares And Dreams Unite blends crushing riffs with the kind of melody Iron Maiden are known for. The melody still stays true to the band's heavy dynamic of pulverising the listener, but manages to engross you with hook laden riffs that will be in your head for weeks. Vocalist Zoli ups the anti with vocals that just burst forth from the speakers spewing raw emotion, yet never veering from a devastating style that not once relents it's intensity and outright authority. This is the perfect album for Bridge To Solace to really break out and infect everybody with their high octane and crushing anthems for the new generation of Metal listener. If Bridge To Solace were from the USA, they'd be huge and legions of fans would be following their every move. This band is destined to grow and grow and will surely find their own place amongst the world's elite of metal bands.


1. Sundeath
2. The Dead And The unknown
3. Through The Eyes Of The Dead
4. Ruins
5. The Martyr's Path
6. A Culture Of Denial
7. Where Nightmares And Dreams Unite
8. All Hopes Abandoned
9. Escapist

800 WISDOM IN CHAINS "S/t" (cd) pix in the database

Wisdom In Chains was started a few years back with members from America and Europe. Maarten, a guitar player from Holland in a band called Daredevil made the call to Richie and Mad Joe who where in Krutch at the time. Maarten had the idea to start an old school band, with heavy punk and Oi influences. The three met while Krutch was on tour in Europe. The plans where made and Maarten came to the USA to record. The group released a self entitled CD on Gangstyle Records. Only one show was ever performed by the group due to the extreme distance between the members. Eventually Maarten who was a key writer in the band would convince Richie and Joe to find local members and keep this band going. So they recruited local guitar star and just crazy motherfucker in general Tony Meltdown. Tony was in a band called The Ninth Plague and basically shreds on the guitar. Shannon Sparky was brought in on drums, he was a logical choice. Shannon also played with Richie and Mad Joe in another band called Out To Win (aka MUSHMOUTH). The search was on for the bass player, and the only guy that could jam with these cats was Big Show Greg, a local trouble maker and drunk. The new line-up was complete and now the band is hitting the highways and playing killer street rock with heavy old school HC and OI influence. The members of this band have played and toured with other bands like Krutch, FCK, The Ninth Plague, Boxcutter, Out To Win, Feeble and others, they are no new jack fuckos. They paid their dues and they do this music shit well.


785 V/A GANGSTYLE "Hardcore 2004" (cd)

-GSR label sampler volume 2-
HARDCORE 2004 is the second label sampler from GSR and given that the first label sampler had a great reaction, this one is bound to do even better. Featuring established GSR bands and freshly signed GSR bands along with showcasing talent from around the world, this is a great introduction to GSR and what the label is currently involved in releasing.

1. No Turning Back "leave the past behind"
2. Rag Men "warrior soul"
3. Black Friday 29 "kill this dream"
4. Madball "for my enemies"
5. Born From Pain "rise from ruin"
6. The Promise "the kiss off"
7. Zero Mentality "nicht mehr"
8. Knuckledust "sick life"
9. Redline "portrait of a mirror image"
10. Maypole "family now"
11. Murderer s Row "we trudge alone"
12. The Set Up "wireless"
13. World Collapse "the second life"
14. Internal affairs "you dont know me"
15. The Break In "strenght in numbers"
16. Dead Reckoning "hate comes easy"
17. Will To Live "self sacrifice & deceit
18. For The Glory "i wont crawl on my knees
19. Final Prayer "everyman my enemy"
20. Barcode "showdown"

734 REDLINE "A portrait of a mirror image" (cd)

Redline are back. Hailing from the New Jersey, USA, Redline have been working hard promoting their former album " Moments Of Truth" and have been honing their craft of writing devilishly brutal and abrasive Metalcore to an art of perfection which shows on their newest offering " A Portrait Of A Mirror Image".
The band was also on the split cd "swift, silent, deadly" with Holland's Born From Pain.
We can find some songs of this split CD on their last stuff.
" A Portrait Of A Mirror Image" brings you the best elements of Metal, Hardcore mixing some beatdowns parts.
The Guitars are huge slabs of dense crushing power whilst, the drums are thunderous in tank like proportions and the end result is like you are in the middle of a war zone.
Eric Gunderson of Killed By Memories features on the song "human miseries".
This record will bring Redline to a new level and set them apart from the rest of the pack.



716 MAYPOLE "Burning in water,drowning in flame" (cd) mp3 in da base

Hardcore / punk .
review soon

Playing heartfelt and infectious HC-Punk, Maypole is now ready to become the new heroes of a generation that seems to have lost its way. With thought provoking lyrics and a live performance that is tough to match, Maypole are consistently proving themselves as a force to be reckoned with and a real threat to some of the bigger names out there.

711 KNUCKLEDUST "Universal struggle" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Knuckledust are back with a brand new record for the first time in over 2 years. Full of everything that every hxc kid loves. Fuelled by the way the world stands today Knuckledust bring you some truly pissed off and aggressive hardcore with their incredible breakdowns, fast parts, old school and metal parts.

- review soon -

710 RAG MEN "Rag men" (cd) mp3 in da base

Featuring an all star line up of current and former members of Madball, Merauder, Earth Crisis and Hatebreed, Rag Men blast onto the HC scene with years of experience and pedigree and provide us with one of the most anticipated and spectacular debut albums a band could offer in 2003. This is no holds barred NYHC which is as subtle as wrecking ball. This is a hard and uncompromising album but is not without its melodic moments to set it apart from the rest. The book has been re-written by Rag Men with this self titled release so check it out now.

featuring a cover of SEPULTURA ( territory)

chronique bientot

650 ASTRO ZOMBIES AD "Mutants at mosa trajectum" (cd)

Coming soon

649 NO TURNING BACK "Revenge is a right" (cd) mp3 in da base

Coming soon

648 N A O P "Hard to deny" (cd)

Coming soon

647 THE BUTCHER "Mass destruction manual" (cd)

Coming soon

643 BORN FROM PAIN "Sands of time" (cd) pix in the database

Born from pain ne revient pas bredouille de sa tourn

382 STONECOLD "Nothing lasts" (cd)

343 SECOND CHANCE "Fortune favors the bold" (cd)

328 REDLINE "S/t" (cd)

Split cd with european band Born From Pain

190 FULL COURT PRESS "The art of warfare" (cd) pix in the database

91 CRAWLSPACE / FULL COURT PRESS "The art of warfare" (cd)

41 BORN FROM PAIN "S/t" (cd) pix in the database

Split with REDLINE

review soon

40 BORN FROM PAIN "Reclaiming the crown" (cd) pix in the database

Holland brutal hardcore !!! fucking great stuff !

38 BLOODSPORT "Warrior beast supreme" (cd)

16 NO TURNING BACK "Damage done" (cd) mp3 in da base

No Turning Back have created a devastatingly crushing album with


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