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Householdname Records


686 NEGATE "The dead guy palace" (cd)

Review soon

332 REPRISAL "Where heavy gloom dominate" (cd) pix in the database

Heavy death-metallic hardcore from Italy . Vegan force !!!

325 REALIGN "Stagnation is death" (mcd)

This young German band from Bremen bring us amazing hardcore with intense screamed vocals, the lyrics are English and German and very political. If you're into Bands like Sabeth or Loxiran this record will blow you away.

228 INTRUDE "S/t" (7)

Metallic, intense, torturated and emotional hardcore !

184 FRAGMENT "Angels never came" (7)

Fragment has distroied all the myths and runours with this new masterpiece! Metal fury meets hardcore angst. precision, attack and mayhem are abound on "angels never came". The recording, songs and overall feel of this 10" will blow you away. meet the new rules of eastcoast metalcore.


1. remaining unknown
2. stature
3. solitude
4. breakthrough
5. regret

Bonus: feed by infuse

182 FRAGMENT "...answers..." (cd)

167 FALL OF SERENITY "Grey man s requiem" (cd)

115 AS I BLEED "S/t" (7)

Split with Denied Reality


1. One for the angels
2. When it rains it pours
3. Existence denied
4. Curse of beauty

114 DENIED REALITY "Leviathan" (7) pix in the database

You havent heared of D.R. yet but i know you surely will, so much power you've never felt before if you've listen to music. Chaotic hardcore at its best, fast with a lot of breaks and slowly parts and on one song the cooles female vocals i've heared. don't miss them !!!

18 DENIED REALITY "S/t" (7) pix in the database

Split with As I Bleed


1. One for the angels
2. When it rains it pours
3. Existence denied
4. Curse of beauty

17 AS I BLEED "Fire in summer" (7)

This guys know what it means to do music. they play deathcore influenced by bands like New Day Rising and Converge, you know what it means. it comes with an free poster and sticker.


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