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1322 OUT TO WIN "Persist and destroy" (cd) pix in the database

Mushmouth's members - BFL hardcore at its best


1. In a perfect world
2. Suffer
3. Persist and destroy
4. Out to win
5. Trust no one
6. Through the lies

1106 DEATH THREAT "Peace and security" (cd) pix in the database


1. Dead At Birth
2. Live And Learn
3. Disgrace
4. Outcast
5. You're The One
6. Life Sentence
7. Peace And Security
8. Faded
9. Never Again
10. Misled
11. Nowhere Fast
12. Social Decay

1094 COMIN CORRECT "In memory of" (cd) pix in the database


1. In Memory Of...
2. Truth Unfolds
3. Today We Live
4. False Claims
5. Two Face
6. No Times To Lose
7. Whoever Told You Life Was Fair
8. Take Me Away
9. Grow Up
10. Comin' Correct
11. Young 'Till I Die

1089 25 TA LIFE "Friendship loyalty commitment" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

Cet album est incontestablement le meilleur de 25talife et constitue une r

1013 SHOCKWAVE "Omega supreme" (cd) pix in the database

The complete collection 1996-2001.


1. Bruticus
2. Here for the kill
3. Revenge
4. Chamelicon
5. Autohate
6. Blood drinkers
7. Warriors of cobra
8. Goldwreck
9. Circle like wolves
10. Paper doll
11. Shockwave
12. Swindle
13. Dirge
14. Frenzy
15. Deadend
16. Ravage
17. Shrapnel
18. Devetator
19. Kickback
20. Bombshell

1012 SHOCKWAVE "The ultimate doom" (cd) pix in the database

This Erie straight edge entourage return with more good, solid hard-hitting metallic moshcore loaded with singalongs and obligatory Transformers references. Members of Disciple AD, which they natually sound comparable to.


1. Introduction to Oblivion
2. Ultimate Doom
3. Day of Machines
4. Revenge of Bruticus
5. Divide and Conquer
6. The Key to Vector Sigma
7. The Inspection Syndrome
8. Five Faces of Darkness
9. The Key to Vector Sigma PT 2
10. Grenade Face
11. Hardest Burden to Bear
12. Wardawn
13. Outro to Extinction


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