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SINCE THE FLOOD | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

Since The Flood
  » Releases :

since the flood
"Valor and vengeance"
(Ironclad rds)

» Biography

Hailing from the flourishing Massachusetts hardcore/metal scene, Since the Flood has quickly become one of the most well known hardcore bands from the area. Since the Flood started in early 2002 as five friends conversing in a basement sharing their opinions on bands and genres. They decided to act on their love for hardcore and start what soon became Since the Flood. After several minor lineup changes, the band was solidified into its current state.

After independently releasing two demos, and playing dozens of shows in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, STF sparked the interest of Unearth front man, Trevor Phipps. He quickly signed them to his newly formed label Ironclad Recordings. Since then, STF have written and recorded their first full-length album

» Country : U S A
» Hit profil : 2671

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