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BURNING SKIES | biography, discography, photos, free mp3, videos, interviews

Burning Skies
  » Releases :

burning skies
"Premonition of things to come"
(S/t rds)

» Biography

BURNING SKIES are from Bristol in the UK. They formed in September `02 when Stu, Liam and Andie came together due to their previous bands splitting up. They practiced and wrote many songs over the next few months trying to incorporate their diverse music tastes into one heavy yet accessible sound.

They eventually decided that a second guitarist would be needed and recruited a local guitarist named Ben. Throughout this time they were constantly trying out singers but noone impressed them until they auditioned Merv in November`02. He was signed up to the ranks immediately.

After a lot more practicing they entered into State of Art studios in Bristol UK to record their first demo, "premonition of things to come" in January `03. This found it`s way into the hands of Lifeforce Records and the band are now writing songs for their debut full length to be released in Febuary `04.

» Country : U K
» Hit profil : 2946

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slavery,burning skiesburning skies

» Total added : 515


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