UNITYHXC.COM | Worldwide Metal Hardcore webzines

Periferia Hardcore Punk webzine from the Czech republic (news, reviews, interviews, articles, photos, gigs,... (Czech Republic) | [5389] |
bandung city hardcore webzine
reviews CD + Gigs, interviews with band, booking... (Indonesia) | [6089] |
Hxcmusic.com HXCMusic.com - Stream and download, music, videos, movies, and we have more results than any... (U S A) | [4951] |
Skartnak Punk-Hardcore-Metal webzine from Switzerland.
Punk, Hardcore, Metal in Switzerland, Booking, Live... (Switzerland) | [5309] |
Punks Dot Ru Russian punk/hardcore webzine + distro (Russia) | [3114] |
Louisville Hardcore The hardcore scene in Louisville, bands, flyers archive etc... (U S A) | [4208] |
Grindcore Dot Com Grindcore Dot Com
Grindcore | Hardcore | Crust Punk | Death Metal magazine/community
Pummeling... (U S A) | [4293] |
Outlaw Media a new E-Zine in Germany for Hardcore and
Metalcore. With our own Webdesign, promotion, Hostin an... (Germany) | [4588] |
Music Hunter E-Zine for Hardcore, Metalcore, Punkrock, Streetcore, Oi and SKA. (Germany) | [4473] |
Metal Underground Huge metal webzine featuring more 800 links, 4600 bands profiles... (U S A) | [3103] |
Join The Pit Huge Belgian hardcore community. (Belgium) | [3684] |
Ultrarock Site de l'emission de m (France) | [2805] |
Pittsburg Hardcore All about the Pittsburg hardcore scene; bands, promoters, venues, links .... (U S A) | [2617] |
Join The Pit A place where underground music is kept alive! Concert pictures and community. Really good website... (Belgium) | [3896] |
Hardcore And Punk Live Shots Site avec plein de photos des concerts hardcore, punk, metal, oi! et ska. Le plus gros web en... (France) | [3032] |
Slamdancers new international board for hardcore bootlegs and other stuff (Germany) | [3190] |
With Love The Underground European Fanzine dedicated to hardcore. Weekly updates and also cd rom mag that comes out every... (Germany) | [3062] |
Strength Unity D.I.Y hardcore webzine from 59-62-belgium (France) | [2915] |
Troublezine Dot It TroublEzine was born in 2003 from the sick brains of three young kids livin' in the North of Italy.... (Italy) | [3183] |
Persistence The online resources for Hardcore, Metal and Punk. Malaysian based webzine! (Malaysia) | [3108] |
Mission Hate Crew Mission Hate Crew, the hardcore zine from Guadalajara Mexico. Unity!! Message Board, Polls, Bands,... (Mexico) | [2715] |
Brontak Zine From Indonesia webzine with review from metal, hardcore, emo, punk and underground scene. (Indonesia) | [2901] |
Limoges Hardcore About Limoges metal hardcore scene, news, past and upcoming shows, mp3, videos, venues, gallery.... (France) | [2624] |
Sanctuary Mosh We decided to build this website because we came across many people taping shows, but there is... (Germany) | [3087] |
Hardcoremusic Dot Com Since 98, US hxc website with interviews, show reviews, dvd and music reviews, an active board,... (U S A) | [3369] |
Scheef Edge Belgian based punk/hardcore paper & webzine. Reviews, interviews, videos, ... (Belgium) | [2822] |
How Is Your Edge One of the biggest straight edge webzine ! you can find lot of straight edge stuff : awesome shirts... (U S A) | [3340] |
Texas Hardcore All about the TEXAS Hardcore scene : bands, shows, mp3, videos, flyers, interviews, cd reviews,... (U S A) | [9971] |
Patatorz Web Zone 2 Hardcore and metal webzine with live reports, reviews, photos. An online radio which broadcast some... (France) | [2905] |
Xsisterhoodx straightedge and hardcore site for the ladies (U S A) | [3135] |
Boston Beatdown The Boston hardcore scene, merch, photos, board, bands clips and the famous Boston Beatdown DVD'S... (U S A) | [2949] |
Europeanhardcore www.europeanhardcore.de is a place to share your hardcore related videos!
everbody can download... (Germany) | [2883] |
Lima Hardcore the Lima (Peru) hardcore scene !!! great site with history the Peru Hardcore scene, bands, flyers,... (Peru) | [2544] |
Save Your Scene Great webzine from Italia - Old&New School HC, Metal, Indierock, Punkrock, Emo, Screamo. News.... (Italy) | [2924] |
Roma Hardcore The Roma hardcore scene - bands, shows, mp3s, videos - if you go to Roma, you have to check it out... (Italy) | [2611] |
Zikacaen Groupes & concerts amateurs de la r (France) | [2573] |
Xreparationx Salt Lake City Hardcore -- Shows @ SLC - pictures - board - links - by Scott (U S A) | [2761] |
Feast Of Hate And Fear Travelogues and printed pranks. Strange articles and our dark archives. Music reviews, outlandish... (U S A) | [2499] |
Avopolis Core Representing the hardcore spirit to da Greece! Stay true - stay united! (Greece) | [2919] |
Aversionline Comprehensive coverage and exposure for all forms of extreme/underground music, including metal,... (U S A) | [2793] |
The Schalltot Collective collective operating out of Luxembourg...aims are: promoting local and foreign bands through... (Luxembourg) | [3064] |
North Pack new webzine from Antwerp !!!! (Belgium) | [7424] |
Raised By The Core comme check us out!!!leave your comment in our guestbook and let us know what you think about... (Belgium) | [2550] |
Bleeding Mascara USA PUNK, EMO, SCREAMO, and HARDCORE homesite by a girl ;-) check it out ! (U S A) | [2939] |
The Underground A site about hardcore/punk/metal with a lot of bio's, reviews, interviews, mp3's, ... Check it out ! (Belgium) | [2874] |
Northeasthardcore.com hardcore-indie-emo-grind-metalcore-etc shows, reviews, interviews, etc... for the north-eastern... (U S A) | [2772] |
Hardtimes Zines hardcore / punk / zine / Chile !!!! by Mauricio (Chile) | [2994] |
Straightedge.free.fr site francais straight-edge
x FAQ Straight Edge x
x Histoire de la musique Hardcore x
x... (France) | [2916] |
Deathcore.com www.deathcore.com is a web directory with all kind of extreme metal flavors from Hardcore to Black... (France) | [3672] |
Chicago Hardcore The Chicago Hardcore Community - pix - links - mp3 - reviews - news (U S A) | [2540] |
Codex4 underground portal (Belgium) | [2743] |
Metalchroniques Webzine metal au sens large du terme ( Heavy,Thrash,Death,Black,Doom,HxC,Neo,Stoner,Prog,Indus et... (France) | [3005] |
Pheer Dot Com great webzines from usa - lot of medias : mp3 , videos . (U S A) | [2882] |
French Metal Bienvenue dans l'annuaire du Metal Fran (France) | [2647] |
Keep On Playing The website of my punk/ hardcore paper fanzine is now online! Keep on Playing #4 will comes out... (Belgium) | [2849] |
Get In Da Pit Best hxc-Metal newsletter ever!!!
Read It Or Die!!! (France) | [2609] |
The Scene the scene ( tons of live pix )enjoy the pix and ckeep coming back for more ! (France) | [2804] |
Take The Bullet New Belgian hardcore- and punkzine, packed with amazing pics and loads of interviews, bringing you... (Belgium) | [3515] |
Bdz Tttf finnish hardcore zine, link portal, graffiti board, picture gallery etc....
people die !!! !!! (Finland) | [3026] |
Waasland promoting the belgian punk / hxc scene in waasland !!! (Belgium) | [2625] |
Omnipotence Web Zine The Barcelona Web Zine, all you need for stay tuned of what's up and where're the shows in Da city... (Spain) | [2513] |
Hammerock The website of the underground community of Lyon's City (France) | [2710] |
Wasteland Zine Wasteland is a web zine (and sometimes a print zine) which features hardcore, punk and metal bands... (U S A) | [2680] |
Noise Academy ska metal punk hxc zine - Noise Academy est une association (France) | [2877] |
Sandiego Hardcore I leave this space open to hardcore'', what evolves around it in the San Diego ''scene'' and around... (U S A) | [2653] |
The Scene tons of live pics from lyon's best underground rock venues ! (France) | [2538] |
Babezine Zine hxc emo avec chroniques mensuels,interviews,show report, photos et r (France) | [2792] |
Sinapu european spiritfilled hardcore e-zine (Netherland) | [3229] |
Fracture Fanzine english free fanzine - here s the website : itrw, reviews, forum, links ,gig guide .... (U K) | [3432] |
Generatornow great spanish hxc webzine - distro section with shirts etc... (Spain) | [2796] |
Silentstagnation.com english webzine with a lot of videos, mp3s, reviews, interviews, lyrics, vegan...and so on!!! DAILY... (Germany) | [2658] |
E Mct Zine Belial E=MCt zine: free HC/metal/grind zine outta the U.K.
Belial: UKHC yoot kru (U K) | [2485] |
3dollarassassin a none tecnical H8000 bazed HARDcore ezine
nuff' said ... expect the thingz to come...
$$$ 696... (Belgium) | [2657] |
In Your Face hardcore and punk webzine from germany (Germany) | [2736] |
Fromthepit hardcore/metal/emo webzine with a huge picture archive and the following sections: NEWS, SHOWS,... (U S A) | [2600] |
Helldriver Magazine german hardcore website - interviews, mp3's, pix, columms, reviews .... (Germany) | [2665] |
District Productions Some of you should ask why they're finding so different activities in this website. Maybe some of... (France) | [2548] |
Nosebleed 17 I started this webpage as a small little project in November of 1999 to help promote underground... (U S A) | [2737] |
The Hardcore Crow The Belgian portal to HardCore: bands, concerts, labels, fanzines, and lots more... (Belgium) | [2759] |
Into - Obscurity An online zine dedicated to all forms of metal, hardcore, punk, indie, emo and any other forms of... (U S A) | [2691] |
Bright Idea opinion website. Featuring the top ten hardcore albums of all time. (U S A) | [2436] |
Stand Up French hxc zine & online zine...#1 out now...hi SuperRomu (France) | [2892] |
Bleeding Heroes Webzine from Rennes - hxc,emocore,metal - cd s reviews... (France) | [3905] |
Subsociety Site de l association Subsociety, diffusion cd s hardcore, punk, ska, o (France) | [2551] |
Concussion Reviews, pics, interviews , regularly updated. Several issues available. (U S A) | [3200] |
Dark Time An extreme music site dedicated to underground HC and metal. (U S A) | [3046] |
Wmtd Zine Excellent Hxc webzine from Holland. (Netherland) | [2991] |
Existencia Spanish online hxc zine, lot of info
(Spain) | [2931] |
Kafka Ezine A lot of interviews of people involving in the scene. (Italy) | [3091] |
Stage Dive A very good e-zine, lot of info,great webdesign from Swiss. (Switzerland) | [3129] |
Xhardcorex Reviews + links + mp3s...great site from Canada.
(Canada) | [3223] |
Hardcore Times Webzine from Ireland : interviews, news, listings, reviews, views, etc... (Ireland) | [2940] |
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