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WE BITE Records
WE BITE Records
1312 BROTHER S KEEPER "Ladder" (cd) pix in the database

Erie hardcore


1. Ladder
2. Horizon
3. Animate me
4. Facade
5. Surround
6. Halfman
7. Shadowcast
8. Chorus of anger

1234 ABSCONDED "Five year plan" (cd) pix in the database

Melodic hardcore from NL


1. Statement
2. World Song
3. Seven Am
4. Dignity
5. Five Year Plan
6. Like a Friend
7. Change You Ways
8. Consumption
9. Ska8punk
10. Living
11. Whatever
12. Code of Conduct
13. Reason
14. Go Away

1048 LIFEFORCE "S/t" (cd) pix in the database

German hardcore in the vein of Unconquered.


1. Coexistence
2. Antagonism
3. Ecorage
4. Calm sea
5. Guilt
6. Rejection
7. Oblivion

792 NEGLECT "End it" (mcd) pix in the database

Neglect formed in the spring of 1991 by former Vice Grip members Brian "Zoid" & Bones. They recruited John (also of Mind Over Matter) on Drums and friend Torn on Guitar. Derek Joined Neglect in Summer 1991, & one month later released a rehearsal demo. This included rehearsal versions of songs later recorded for the 91-92 demo like "Mind Games" & "Deluxe/Lost", and infamous songs like "Human Corpse Fuck". This gained them a fast following they soon recorded the 91-92 demo. This demo was raw, in your face demo showcased their mix of Hardcore & Metal which at the time was still very new, along with Brian's intense lyrics of hate & suicide put neglect immediately in a class all their own.


1. Neglect
2. From the the tomb
3. Dig it
4. The state of my mind
5. Life


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