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399 THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN "Calculating infinity" (cd) pix in the database

Recognized by many as the future of music, D.E.P. have proven their talent live as well as on this new album. They just finished a 45 show US tour with MR.BUNGLE, and those that were witness to the Relapse records "contaminated" showcase at CBGBis in NYC can testify to da fact that this band can be little bit hardcore, a little bit metal, and a little bit crazy.

363 SKINLESS "" (cd)

312 PIG DESTROYER "" (cd)

84 CONVERGE "The poacher diaries" (cd) pix in the database

Blazing drums, crazy vocals, heavy guitars, grinding bass...there isn't one weak aspect of Agoraphobic Nosebleed. they play 9 tracks on this evil split. Combining the best of hxc, metal and punk, Boston's most creative and influential aggressive band have certainly lived up to their name along the course of their 8 year history. Converge plays 5 tracks. Cover artwork is by the amazing Derek Hess...

6 AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED "The poacher diaries" (cd)

Blazing drums, crazy vocals, heavy guitars, grinding bass...there isn't one weak aspect of Agoraphobic Nosebleed. they play 9 tracks on this evil split. Combining the best of hxc, metal and punk, Boston's most creative and influential aggressive band have certainly lived up to their name along the course of their 8 year history. Converge plays 5 tracks. Cover artwork is by the amazing Derek Hess...


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