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» Biography
The Red Baron formed in early 2004, in South Florida, with the purpose of making fast fun hardcore with a message of conviction. With song topics ranging from spiritual beliefs, overcoming trials, true friendship, and their edge lifestyle the band tries to keep it real and relatable. In an era of tight jeans and make up The Red Baron strives to be gimmick free and make music that they are truly passionate about. In 2004 they recorded their first EP, Cheap shots and Brodowns, and have toured and shared the stage with: xBishopx, Let It Die, Seventh Star, Bloodlined Calligraphy, Champion, Ten Crowns, On Our Own, War of Ages, Ten 33, In Due Time, No Innocent Victim, Brutal Fight, Kids Like Us, Dreams You Die In and many more. After a few lineup changes the band is finally ready to take things to the next level. They are currently writing for an upcoming full length and plan to tour a majority of the summer. Plan on getting to know these guys really well because they're not planning on calling it quits anytime soon.
» Country : U S A » Hit profil : 2136