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  Absidia ''morphology of fear'' | Bastardized records
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No Turning Back  (408)
Cutdown  (596)
Darkest Hour  (358)
Fight Night  (402)
Folsom  (295)
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Dew Scented
''issue vi''
Born From Pain
''in the love...''
When Freedom Dies
''demo cd''
Cast Aside
''the struggle''
Blood 4 Blood
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Filled With Hate Records

TSB Records

TSB Records
TSB Records
1252 AWAKEN "All that glitters is not gold" (cd) pix in the database mp3 in da base

South french metallic screaming hardcore


1. Strangel
2. Unloved
3. Not the last one
4. Belief s springing
5. Guideline
6. Evenness


Hurry Up records
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