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Householdname Records


1173 CRYSTAL LAKE "Dimension" (cd) pix in the database

Crystal Lake strike again with a new record in the vein of the old Narziss, Caliban or Heaven Shall Burn, called "Dimension". These 9 tracks of furious metalcore aknowledge the band as one of the most promising formation of Japan and lead me to the conclusion that the country is the owner of a great metal scene still unknown in europe. This record really got the "japanese touch" what means quality and singularity. I def recommand that one for the lovers of the early 2000' german metalcore.
by xpierrex


1. Fabricated Refuge
2. The Passage
3. Fifth Dimension
4. Innocence
5. Forsaken Desire
6. Voyage (46 Hundred Million Years Fate...)
7. Before It Fades
8. The Burden


Knives Out Records
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