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Filled With Hate Records


1184 TAKEN "And they slept" (cd) pix in the database

Taken is back with their debut Full Length. Dramatic endings that will have you in tears one second and than insane technical metal parts that will have you beating up your friends. No band ever can do this transition as well as Taken.


1. Never an Answer
2. Same Story, Different Day
3. The Most Feared Thing
4. A Coward For You
5. A Typical Cliche
6. Beauty in Dead Flowers
7. Overused History
8. Overshadowing At 100 East
9. What's Best Right Now

1044 BLOODJINN "Leave this world breathing" (cd) pix in the database


1. Modern machines
2. A decade of forced existence
3. The dividing lines
4. Grey worlds
5. Challenge the end
6. The last cry
7. Goodnight but not goodbye
8. Leave this world breathing


Knives Out Records
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